Articles by: admin

Yellowstone River 5/28/18

The Yellowstone is at flood level.  High flows and muddy waters are making fly fishing virtually impossible.  The water is in the willows and cottonwoods and the flows are dangerous at this point, so use caution if you decide to fish.

Boulder River 5/28/2018

The lower river below the Natural Bridge is running high with runoff.  Flows are near or at flood stage making for extremely tough fishing conditions.  Nymph fishing with large Stone fly Nymphs and Worms may work, probably best to wait for the flows to decrease. The upper river above the Natural Bridge […]

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Yellowstone River 5-19-2018

The Yellowstone is running high and muddy.  We expect runoff to continue until the end of June or so, making fly fishing difficult at best.  The Yellowstone recently peaked at 20,000 cfs then dropped after the recent cool weather but is once again on the rise.  Near future flows over […]

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Boulder River 5-19-2018

Lower Boulder:  The lower Boulder, below the Natural Bridge, is running high with early runoff.  Expect high and off color flows with some clearing in the late afternoons and after a couple of cool days.  High temperatures bring the flows way up, so try to fish after cooler days and […]

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